
A Short story about the name. Mini Tennis.

        When you think about it,        ‘minitennis’

     Not a clever title for a game…minitennis may suffice, but since 2001     when it started we have been asked hundreds of times if we make the small balls,(which they are not) used for mini tennis.

     After spending £ millions trying to reverse the decline in tennis,         ....achieving  absolutely nothing, the LTA’s  paid ‘experts’ in desperation    came up with MiniTennis.  We developed  the balls for them.

  They started out using minitennis as a name but quickly slipped

   into splitting it back into two words   Mistake….by the way, what happened to minitennis.com?.

 Originally balls  starting  the  young into  tennis  were  65mm in diameter.

Then a 70mm ball  used for a while, BUT after comprehensive development by J Price for the Lawn Tennis Association,  the Official       size became

                   the  PRICE Red 75   



Mini TWhat is mini tennis?mini ten

       Simply put mini tennis is a standardised way of teaching beginners and youngsters  how to play tennis.


It uses  3 different balls to get the beginner who had never handled a racket or hit a ball before, to reach the stage of playing tennis with a regular tennis ball before they lose interest. Which has become the norm with so many other things to fill time.


It came into being because the Lawn Tennis Association  having spent millions trying to make tennis more popular finally employed ‘experts’ to tell them how to stop the  decline  of tennis.

They basically said you have to get youngsters into tennis from the earliest age possible before they get involved in the many other alternatives.


Regular tennis balls are too heavy and hard for very young children so it was  decided that  a lighter but bigger ball was needed to start children off. Progression via intermediate balls  as skill and strength develops.


All the ball brands were invited by the LTA to a meeting at Queens Club and given the findings of the experts.

The LTA was asked during the meeting what quantities of balls would be required.

The answer was  1 or 2 thousand dozen  possibly. At that point it was obvious the top brands were not interested.

However Derek Price of J Price decided to develop such a ball.


We produced many variations of a ball over a long period  before the Lawn Tennis Association testers were agreed on the bigger lighter ball.


Derek refused to make a purely red ball and  said it had to be two colours  Red and Yellow to be more attractive for  children. This was accepted by the LTA.


We christened it the RED75  It became the LTA official standard.Described in various ways when being searched for on the Internet .eg:

Mini tennis Red ball, Red mini tennis ball,  minitennis balls, Price Red 75

The International Federation later adopting the J Price specification for use worldwide.But allowing a smaller ball to be used.


We had patented the  Red 75, but it was not long before imitations appeared.Our patent infringed constantly but  with the big brands in competition it is impossible to uphold the patent worldwide.The market is now flooded with smaller versions.Not in accordance with the LTA testing.


RED  minitennis balls,the Red 75 made by J Price
Orange mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball made by Price of Bath

LTA Mini Tennis


Union Jack